Stump Removal

Stump Removal

Stump Removal and Other Tree Services for 
Sheffield, Westlake, Bay Village, OH & More!

Sometimes you think that stump is the bane of your existence. It makes mowing the lawn a pain, since you have to steer around it and avoid the bumps from the leftover root system. It’s also an eyesore. Worse, you’re afraid it’s only a matter of time before a child or pet trips over the stump while playing and gets hurt.

Don’t put up with that ugly stump in your yard any longer! Instead, call Tomco Tree Service. We are experts when it comes to stump removal. We can take care of that stump, the roots, and anything else you need. You’ll be left with a smooth and beautiful lawn. Once the grass grows back in, you might not even be able to remember where the stump was.
Tree Service, Rocky River & Elyria, OH

In addition, Tomco Tree Service serves Lakewood, Rocky River & Elyria, OH with stump removal!

We know that many rental companies have equipment available that can remove old stumps. However, we would like to urge you to not try this. Unless you know exactly what you’re doing, using this kind of equipment can be extremely hazardous. Removing a stump properly is very time-consuming for the average homeowner, and unless you time the job exactly right, you could be hit with overages and other fees from the rental company. For the money, it’s simply a better investment to hire a professional company and have the stump removed quickly and safely.

If you’re ready to bid that stump adieu now and forever, you’re ready to call Tomco Tree Service. Let our professionals return your yard to its formerly pristine state.
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